Designers have a vital role to play in the web agency environment. Every feature, functionality, and website element must fit comfortably in the...
Letest updates @ MeraHost
Christmas Web Hosting Deals 2021
Santa Claus isn’t the only one fulfilling wishes this Christmas, we also bring you some awesome gift ! After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, We are...
Introducing Two-Factor Authentication
What is it?Two-factor authentication adds an additional layer of security by introducing a second step to your login. It takes something you know (i...
Easiest way to install DirectAdmin
Login as root and download the file wget Hint: Use “fetch” instead of “wget” on FreeBSD systems. Change permissions...
Hosting Plans & Pricing updated
In the last week of June 2019, cPanel made an important announcement about their pricing structure for their Partners, Distributors and store...
Domain Name offers March 2019
Hi there, This is Ranjan and as always I am here to share Cheapest Domain Registration promo codes with you guys, so keep reading. Now for this...